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Class Progression
At Codyz, we code to learn Emotional Intelligence. Students, depending on their age and ability, will learn how to use block based programming languages like Scratch Jr or Scratch at younger ages before moving on to typed languages like Javascript and Python.
Students who take these classes will be better prepared for a future in which most of the jobs that will be available to them don’t even exist today. Emotional intelligence will be the biggest advantage they can have when competing against Artificial Intelligence for jobs. And being comfortable with Computer Science will help them have a chance to use technology to shape the future.
I expect the students to participate in the class discussions, finish their required class work, and discuss what we learned in class about Emotional Intelligence at home with their families. I will also occasionally give students special assignments to test their programming abilities. We also have a lot of off screen activities during class that teach coding, so students won’t be staring at a computer screen for the whole class.
Primary School
Beginner level K-2nd Grade
Code to Learn EQ with ScratchJr
Students will use Scratch Jr to create games and stories.
3rd grade
Beginner Scratch
Students will learn the basics of how to use the Scratch Interface and know enough by the end of class to make their own projects for personal use or for contests.
4th Grade
Intermediate Scratch
Students will begin learning how to make more complex and fun games with Scratch, like tower defence games and Pong.
Begin to learn JavaScript by coding to draw pictures on CodeGuppy.
5th Grade
Advanced Scratch
HTML and CSS and Javascript.
Students will make even more complex and interesting games with Scratch. And they will make their own personal website about something that they find interesting.
Middle School
6th Grade
Beginner Javascript
Students will use CodeGuppy to start programming in Javascript. Codeguppy is an excellent online platform for teaching Javascript. At Codyz, we like to do as much coding as we can on tablets to make things as convenient as possible for families. Code Guppy is a fantastic way to code Javascript on an iPad. They also have built in sprites and they provide a curriculum to follow. It’s a perfect next step after Scratch.
7th Grade
Advanced Javascript
Students will build games in javascript with graphic interfaces like a snake game or Frogger.
8th Grade
Swift Programming Language
Students will learn the Swift programming language. This programming language is used to build apps for iPads and iPhones.
High School
9th Grade
Beginner Python
Python Turtle.
Students will start learning the basics of Python, a very powerful programming language, by using a turtle to draw shapes on their computer screen.
10th Grade
Advanced Python
Make Games with Pygame
Students will use the Pygame library to make games with Graphic interfaces like Space Invaders.
11th Grade
Make games with Roblox
Students will learn to make an obstacle course (Obby) game in Roblox.
12th Grade
Use Godot game engine to make games with GDScript (similar to Python)
Godot is a very powerful game engine that can be used to make amazing computer games. And it’s open source and free! Just like Scratch.
Students from K-6th Grade are welcome to attend all classes. Max 8 students in Physical class.
Coding Classes near Guting Saturday from 2:30-4:00.
EQ and Cards class near Guting Saturday from 4:00-5:00
Coding Classes in Yonghe every Saturday from 11:00-12:30.
EQ and Cards class in Yonghe every Saturday from 10:00-11:00.
Coding Classes near Fuxing every Friday from 5:00-6:30.
Coding Classes in Shilin every Sunday from 2:00-3:30.
EQ and Cards class in Shilin every Sunday from 3:30-4:30.
Coding class every Monday near Jingxin Elementary from 4:30-6:00.
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Students as young as 5 can join class anytime. Students will also be learning the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence and reading issue #1 and issue #2 of The Adventures of Cody comic book.
Students at different levels will use different coding platforms, but every student learns the same EQ class material in each class.
1. 由Scratch Jr.入門,帶領孩子認識程式語言的思考方式、培養邏輯思維。
2. 課程目的為創作自己獨一無二的故事及遊戲,並以英文向同學介紹、彼此交流,啟發創造力,英語聽說能力一併提昇。
3. 每次課堂中皆會進行情緒智商養成練習,包含認識各種情緒、學習控制自身行為等。
4. 閱讀英語圖文書《The Advantures of Cody》與書中角色們一同精進自己的程式超能力、經歷一場精彩大冒險!
5. 課堂中提供一人一台iPad,由現任台北市復興實驗高中外師全英文授課。
Young students begin their coding journey with apps designed for young learners.
1st and 2nd graders will learn how to use ScratchJr while also enhancing their EQ and learning basic storytelling techniques.
3rd and 4th grade students will Have a more advanced scratch Junior class. They will also learn about Emotional Intelligence and the rising and falling action story structure.
我們以Scratch Jr及Tynker帶領各位初學者進入程式語言的世界。
Scratch Jr is an iPad app that allows children to snap together virtual blocks to make code and create stories and games. Scratch Jr was developed by MIT.
Scratch Jr是一款由美國麻省理工學院開發的編碼平台,利用積木方塊將程式語言圖像化,以拖拉圖形的方式創造屬於自己的角色、遊戲、故事等,簡單易上手,適合5至7歲無基礎的孩子啟蒙。 。Each class will teach CASEL approved Emotional Intelligence course material in an all English environment.
Intermediate classes will introduce students to MIT’s Scratch block programming language.
Scratch was also developed by MIT. It is a more complex block based coding experience than Scratch Jr. Students will dive even deeper into learning to write robust code.
中階課程會介紹同樣由美國麻省理工學院開發的Scratch,練習以積木方塊寫程式語言,屬於Scratch Jr的進階內容。 classes will continue deeper into learning coding with classes designed to teach HTML, Javascript and Python. Students will also learn Apple’s Swift programming language.
高階課程包含難度更高的Scratch教材,孩子也將接觸HTML、Javascript、Python以及Apple的Swift編程語言。 class will also teach CASEL approved Emotional Intelligence course material in an all English environment.
中/高階課程中同樣會使用CASEL官方認證的情緒智商教材。 will provide one iPad per student. 10 students maximum per class.
我們提供一人一台iPad供上課使用,10人為上限的精緻小班。Contact us to learn about dates, times and prices for the classes and which class is best for your child.